Monthly Archives: April 2006

Christina Aguilera battles terrorists?,,1757618,00.html

“Another detainee named on the list is Muhammed al-Qahtani, accused of being the 20th hijacker in the September 11 attacks. The Saudi citizen was stopped as he tried to enter the US in Orlando, Florida, shortly before the attacks.

Details of Qahtani’s interrogation caused outrage and shed fresh light on the techniques used in Guantánamo Bay when a logbook was leaked to Time magazine last year.

He was frequently awoken at 4am and interrogated until after midnight, with requests for toilet breaks refused until he wet himself, while Christina Aguilera music was played at him if he dozed off.”

Not just music, but Christina Aguilera music. The ironic thing is that al-Qahtani was trying to get to a Christina Aguilera concert at Disney World later that week.

(I’m joking, btw)